Monthly Archives: January 2016

Anne Holton Interim GMU President

Anne Holton, a former Virginia education secretary and a lawyer with Ivy League degrees, will become interim president of George Mason University in August as the school’s current leader prepares to leave for a new position. Last week, George Mason’s president for the past seven years, Ángel Cabrera, was named president of Georgia Tech.

By |2025-02-20T15:51:58-05:00January 19th, 2016|Parish News|Comments Off on Anne Holton Interim GMU President

The Saints Were People Too

Sinners can be saints, and saints are sinners. Sometimes we forget that the saints were people just like us. They had the same weaknesses and temptations we have today, but conquered all of them for God. Despite the lack of superhuman powers, these spiritual titans often receive superior abilities from God to carry out

By |2019-09-13T18:10:04-04:00January 19th, 2016|Catholic News|Comments Off on The Saints Were People Too
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