Confessions (December 23rd, 2023)
- Confessions will be heard in the church starting at 10am.
Christmas Eve (December 24th, 2023)
- Sunday Mass at 9:00am
- Jesse Tree Live (Youth Christmas Pageant) at 5:00pm
- Christmas Eve Mass at 6:00pm
Christmas Day (December 25th, 2023)
- Christmas Day Mass at 9:00am
New Years Eve (December 31st, 2023)
- Sunday Mass (Feast of the Holy Family) at 9:00am
- Feast of Mary, Mother of God/Mass for Peace at 5:00pm
- Potluck to follow 5:00pm Mass
Christmas Eve and the Fourth Sunday of Advent are on the same Sunday this year. The obligation for the Fourth Sunday of Advent may be fulfilled by attending the morning Mass on Sunday or the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass. (A Mass obligation does not depend on which readings and prayers are used.) The Christmas obligation may be fulfilled by attending an evening Mass on Christmas Eve or a Mass on Christmas Day. For those attending two Masses in a single day, Holy Communion may be received twice.
If you can not attend in person, you can join in via Zoom. Click HERE to open Zoom.
If prompted, enter Meeting ID 331-794-018 and Meeting Password 946232
You do not need a computer or smartphone to join. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592.
You may need to update Zoom before you can log in.
If you are interested in making a donation towards our Christmas flowers that are placed around the altar, please send your donation to the Parish Office. If you would like to make your donation in memory or honor of someone, please contact Eva at the Parish Office at [email protected].
You are welcome to send parishioners Christmas letters using the boxes in the back of the church by the statue of Blessed Mother. They are organized alphabetically by last name. Please leave your Christmas letters in the boxes and pick up any that are addressed to you or your family. Merry Christmas!
Last week our annual Christmas Ask Letter was sent out. I ask that you consider giving a donation, as this is our biggest annual fundraiser. You can give one time or monthly online:
Black history is every day, not just February. The justice committee of Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church recommends each parishioner find some way to honor the contributions of African Americans throughout the year. One way to do this is to order a calendar and incorporate this into your prayer life with gratitude, honor and research. Two such calendars include: Josephite African American History and Heritage Calendar and History of Racial Injustice Calendar
RICHARD SMALLWOOD TRIBUTE – January 12 & 13, 2024
The St. Elizabeth Gospel Choir and other gospel choirs from Richmond, VA will be performing at the Dominion Energy Center with the Richmond Symphony in a tribute to gospel music legend Richard Smallwood. Tickets start at $15.00 and can be purchased by visiting the Dominion Energy Center Website here.
ADVOCACY DAY – Wednesday, January 17
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy will host their annual advocacy day, Day for All People, in Richmond on January 17. Check out for more information and to register.
St. Elizabeth is a busy parish. Don’t miss out. Every week, you can receive an email with the announcements you hear at church and read in the bulletin. Get the latest news delivered to your inbox. To sign up, go online to

Tinika and Igor’s Family

Tinika and Igor’s Family