Our Campaign for Tomorrow
Over the 100 years that St. Elizabeth parish has been in existence, St. Elizabeth parishioners have demonstrated time and time again the desire to use their special grace, their special gifts from God in service of others. We should all be proud of the many varied and important ministries that exist in our parish. Clearly, as we have seen growth in the number of young families in our parish, we have also seen growth in our ministries, faith formation programs for children, prayer groups, and so much more. We have also been blessed with a large number of new families from Africa. We have come to a point where it is not only difficult to find space for these groups to meet, but we also have seen it become more and more difficult to find consistent times for everyone to meet.
The obvious need is safe, handicapped accessible space for classrooms, offices and meetings. Therefore, with the guidance of our parish leadership, we have decided to launch Our Campaign for Tomorrow. The campaign goal is $500,000 and the proceeds from the campaign will be used to construct a new Parish
I am inviting you along with every parishioner to pray about and determine a pledge that represents your best sacrifice – a level of giving that is meaningful and brings you joy. In doing so, you will be a blessing to many people, and you, too, will be blessed in your faithful generosity. Your campaign pledge can be made outright or extended over as many as five years. For example, a gift of $50 per year pledge would amount to a total of $250 over a five-year period; and a gift of $100 per year pledge would amount to a total of $500. Other ways to give also include securities, real estate, insurance or estate gifts. Our team can help you make the greatest gift possible for you.
Please pray for the mission that God has called us to share in and decide how you can become an enthusiastic participant in Our Campaign for Tomorrow. I am asking God’s blessings on you and your family.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. James M. Arsenault
Contribute to Our Campaign for Tomorrow
Click below to start your E-Giving Contribution for our campaign.
If you would prefer to physically via check, please contact the Parish Office (office@stelizcc.org) to receive an official contribution/pledge card.
(Please make checks payable to St. Elizabeth Parish.
Please include Our Campaign for Tomorrow in memo line.)