Advent is four weeks of preparing for the celebration of Christ’s birth and anticipating His coming again in glory. In his homily for the first Sunday of Advent on November 29, Pope Francis said

“Advent is the season for remembering the closeness of God who came down to dwell in our midst. Let us make the traditional Advent prayer our own: ‘Come, Lord Jesus.’ … We can say it at the beginning of each day and repeat it often, before our meetings, our studies and our work, before making decisions, in every important or difficult moment of our lives: ‘Come, Lord Jesus.’

At St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, you are invited to prepare the way with our parish community. You can join us for Sunday Mass in the church or online on Zoom. We will start Sunday Mass by lighting the Advent candles.

Attend Sunday Mass at 8:30 AM in the church, 2712 2nd Avenue, Richmond VA 23222, in the city’s Highland Park neighborhood. Call 804-329-4599 or email to reserve a space.

Our 10:00 AM Sunday Mass is online using Zoom.

To join virtually, create a free account with Zoom. Enter the Mass using this LINK. If prompted, type in the Meeting ID: 331-794-018 and the Meeting Password: 946232. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering the password.


Tuesday, December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Mass at 6:00 pm online on ZOOM.
Enter the Mass using this LINK. If prompted, type in the Meeting ID: 331-794-018 and the Meeting Password: 946232. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering the password.

Thursday, December 24: Christmas Eve Vigil Mass

5:00 – 6:00 pm Music and 6:00 pm Vigil Mass online on ZOOM
Enter the Mass using this LINK. If prompted, type in the Meeting ID: 331-794-018 and the Meeting Password: 946232. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering the password.

Friday, December 25: Christmas Day Mass

8:30 am in person in the church (maximum of 50 people)
To reserve your seat, call or email the parish office at 804-329-4599 or
10:00 am online ZOOM Mass online on ZOOM
Enter the Mass using this LINK. If prompted, type in the Meeting ID: 331-794-018 and the Meeting Password: 946232. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering the password.

Friday, January 1, 2021: New Year’s Day

10:00 am in person in the church (maximum of 50 people) and online on ZOOM
To reserve your seat, call or email the parish office at 804-329-4599 or
Enter the Mass using this LINK. If prompted, type in the Meeting ID: 331-794-018 and the Meeting Password: 946232. You can phone in by dialing 301-715-8592 and entering the password.


We bless one candle each week in Advent.
Let us ask God to bless our family on this First Sunday of Advent:

God of new beginnings,
today we begin a new year in our Church
with the image of a wreath.
We ask You to bless our family.
Help us to see our family life as a wreath,
without a beginning and without an end.

As we light this one candle,
we recall how you have changed our family
since we last gathered around the Advent wreath.

Help us to be for others
what this family has been to us—
a helper in times of need
and a source of abundant blessings
to share with others.

We ask this through Christ,
who is the Alpha and the Omega.


Lighting the 2nd candles were The lradukunda Family and The Yesolitis.

God of timeless grace,
you fill us with joyful expectation.
Make us ready for the message that prepares the way,
that with uprightness of heart and holy joy
we may eagerly await the kingdom of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.