Schedule Update – Wednesday, July 24

We will have NO noon Mass on Wednesday, July 24th.

2024 JAZZ FESTIVAL, Saturday August 3

The 2024 Jazz Festival will be on August 3rd, 2024, from 12pm-7pm. In order to make this event a success we will need all hands on deck! You have three ways to support our largest fundraiser of the year: Become a Volunteer, Purchase Raffle Tickets or Be a Business Sponsor. 

VOLUNTEER: The 2024 Jazz Festival will be on August 3rd, 2024, from 12pm-7pm. Volunteer Opportunities for festival preparation and on the day of the festival are now available! Visit to volunteer. To view information about our volunteer positions, click on the link in the form description.

RAFFLE TICKETS: Starting on June 3, you can purchase your chance to win up to $1,000 in a raffle. Jazz Festival Raffle Tickets are $2 per ticket or $20 per book of ten. Call or visit the office to get your tickets or stop by our table at the front of the church starting Sunday, June 9th. Winners need not be present to win. 1st Prize – $1000.00 • 2nd Prize – $500.00 • 3rd Prize – $300.00

SPONSOR: If you are a business or restaurant, you can sponsor or be a vendor at the all-day music festival. Contact the parish office for details. Sponsorships are available at a variety of tiers and are for any individual or business who is interested in supporting our festival! If you, or someone you know, would be interested in becoming a sponsor for our Jazz Festival — please visit or send them this link: Printed copies of the sponsorship packet can be found at the front of the church and at the Parish Office during the week.

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION – Wednesday, August 14

We will have a Vigil Mass Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on August 14th at 6pm, but no Mass at noon. We will pray the rosary in memory and celebration of the saintly six African-American candidates (Mary Lange, Henriette DeLille, Augustus Tolton, Pierre Toussaint, Julia Greeley, and Thea Bowman) for canonization. The rosary is at 5:30 pm before the 6 p.m. Vigil Mass.


The parish justice committee ministry will meet on Zoom on Wed., Aug. 14, at 7:30 p.m. Newcomers and guests are welcome. Special guest speaker will be Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner, who will have the first portion of the meeting to share an Israeli perspective on the violence in the Holy Land.


The Scripture Class will study the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs starting September 2024. Four Bible 101 classes are the prerequisite for joining the class or if you would like to learn how to study Scripture independently. Join us from 6 pm-8 pm on Tuesdays, August 6, 13, 20, and 27th using Zoom.

To register or for more information email Rita Hatchett at [email protected].


This Summer we are learning about the six African and American men and women who are on the road to sainthood. To learn about each of these wonderful and inspirational individuals, please CLICK HERE. Resources include, rosary guides, prayer cards, biographies, books, videos, music, and much more!


You can become more active in the church during or outside of Sunday Mass. We especially need Hospitality Ministers to welcome parishioners to our Sunday masses. Learn more about the ministries here at St. Elizabeths: Commit to attending one meeting or activity. Contact a ministry leader to offer your time and talents.


We have many families and individuals who are regularly attending Mass and parish activities but are not registered with the Parish. By registering as a member, it makes it easier to receive communications with the Parish Office as well as show the growth of our parish. You can register by filling out the form in one of the Welcome Packets by the kiosk by the front doors or you can email our office manager, Eva Wiznerowicz ([email protected]), and she will help you register online.


St. Elizabeth is a busy parish. Don’t miss out. Every week, you can receive an email with the announcements you hear at church and read in the bulletin. Get the latest news delivered to your inbox. To sign up, go online to 

Subscribe to St. Elizabeth’s Events Calendar:


Wednesday and Friday Masses at Noon in the church at 2712 2nd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222 with Confession after or by appointment: 804-221-1508
Sunday Mass Schedule: 8:30 am (in person) and 10 am (in person and Zoom) in the church at 2712 2nd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222
Daily Rosary at 7 pm on Zoom
Zoom for ALL Services is: and password 946232

List of bands for the Jazz Festival