Every Friday (except Good Friday): Supper at 5-6pm, Stations of the Cross at 6pm (simulcast on Zoom)
Sunday, March 12: Third Sunday of Lent – Rite of Welcoming our RCIA Candidate
Sunday, March 19: Presentation of the Shroud of Turin after the 10:00 am Mass
Saturday, March 25: Reconciliation at noon with Soup and Bread afterwards
Friday, March 31: Catholic Women’s Club host Mass, reconciliation, and Adoration
Sunday, April 2: Palm Sunday – 8:30 am and 10:00 am Mass
Monday, April 3: Chrism Mass at the Cathedral 6pm
Thursday, April 6: Holy Thursday Mass at 7pm adoration until 9pm
Friday, April 7: Good Friday Stations of the Cross at noon
Friday, April 7: Good Friday Services at 7pm
Saturday, April 8: Easter Vigil at 7:30 pm
Sunday, April 9: Easter Sunday Mass at 10:00 am

Anyone interested in assisting with the Jazz Festival for Saturday August 5, 2023, contact Tim Timmons: Cell 804-971-8070 email ratimmons88@gmail.com2023 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL

Last year, St. Elizabeth Parish received $7,609 in quarterly share funds from the diocese. In addition, we received $32,100 in grant funding from groups like Home Mission and Operation Rice Bowl. As you can see, the Diocesan Appeal is a great help to our parish and our ministry. You will receive a letter and brochure for the 2023 Annual Diocesan Appeal. Please take a moment to reflect on all the ministries the Appeal can support. Prayerfully consider a new pledge or gift. You can give through your Sunday envelope. Or give at online. When you donate, you will select a parish. Make sure you select Saint Elizabeth – Richmond (509).


St. Elizabeth is collecting the following:
TOILETRIES: deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, feminine hygiene products, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers, wipes
FOOD: Spaghetti sauce, sugar, honey, flower
Drop off your donations to the Parish Office on Tuesdays – Fridays 1-4 pm.
You can also order items off of Amazon, etc. and ship them directly to our parish office.END OF YEAR FINANCIAL STATEMENTSNote: the end of year statements mailed to you do not include donations given through E-Giving. You received your E-Giving statements by email. If you did not receive your financial statement or found an issue, contact Eva at the Parish Office (804) 329-4599 ext 10.


St. Elizabeth is a busy parish. Don’t miss out. Every week, you can receive an email with the announcements you hear at church and read in the bulletin. Get the latest news delivered to your inbox. To sign up, go online to