As you may have heard about or read in The Catholic Virginian, Pope Francis has asked Catholics around the world to participate in their local parish in what he calls a “synodal process.” This local process of listening to each other will lead to an international Synod of Bishops in Rome in October of 2023.
What Pope Francis is asking of us is that, prior to the next Synod of Bishops in October of 2023, we, as a parish, discuss and listen in a synodal process so that bishops may have a clearer view of how people are experiencing the Catholic faith locally in their parishes. It is a “bottoms up” approach rather than a “top down” approach. We will call the synodal meetings which we will hold at St. Elizabeth “Listening Sessions.”
We will have several sessions in several formats such as Zoom, online, personal phone calls, etc. Listening Sessions will be made happening in February and March. Some of our parish committees will host listening sessions during their regular meetings. If you want to participate, contact Katrinia at or (804) 329-4599.
Schedule of sessions so far:
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m. or Sunday, March 6, 2 p.m., on Zoom. Cathy Woodson is the team lead. You can join on Zoom by CLICKING HERE ••• (Meeting ID: 891 3299 0334 Passcode: 271162)
If you are a involved in any of these parish councils, outreach, you can participate with your fellow committee members. Or if one of these times is convenient for you, and you are not on the committee, you are invited to join in as well.
Parish Pastoral Council & Finance Council, Thursday, Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m.
Youth Ministry, Sunday, Feb. 20, 4 p.m.
Justice Ministry Committee, Wednesday, March 9, 7 p.m.
Scripture Study, Tuesday, February 8, 9:30-11:30am and 6-8pm
RCIA Students/Mentors, contact or 646-234-5159
UMOJA Community with Sister Tiber, contact or 804-510-3109 or or 804-564-6726
LGBTQ Members, family & friends, contact or 804-467-2934
Parishioner Anne Gibbons is willing to schedule a time with you to talk over the phone. Call Anne at 434-229-4307
Paper questionnaires available at church or church office, with dropbox contact Katrinia at or (804) 329-4599
St. Elizabeth prepared an online version of the form. CLICK THIS LINK:
It will open a webpage to an online form where you can type in your responses. You can submit your responses anonymously. St. Elizabeth committee members will compile all the responses.
See the Diocese’s Participation Guide [CLICK HERE]
A MESSAGE FROM FATHER JIM: The Pope & Bishops Want to Hear from You!
Hello, church! Yes, YOU are the church. You and me, and all of us. Not just the hierarchy and clergy and “official” church. Because we ALL are the church, all Catholics worldwide are asked to participate in the listening process in preparation for the 2023 Synod of World Bishops. All St. Elizabeth members are invited and encouraged to participate in whatever way that suits you best, with all notes submitted being anonymous. With love, Fr. Jim Arsenault, pastor