This summer, we reflect on the lives of Venerable Pierre Toussaint, Venerable Mother Mary Lange, Venerable Henriette Delille, Venerable Augustus Tolton, Servant of God Julia Greeley, and Servant of God Thea Bowman. Discover how these timeless exemplars of holiness can inspire us to live out our faith.

Julia Greeley

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Servant of God Julia Greely

Servant of God Julia Greeley, Denver’s Angel of Charity, was born into slavery and emancipated after the Civil War. She spent her life serving the poor with a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a love for children and praying for the city’s fire fighters.

Sr. Thea Bowman

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Servant of God Thea Bowman

Sister Thea Bowman tirelessly blazed a way for Black Catholics to fully live their faith out loud and with joy! You can listen to her music on all streaming services and experience her legacy though the many institutions that now boast her name.

“Remember who you are and whose you are.” ~ Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman

Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange

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Venerable Mother Mary Lange

Venerable Mary Elizabeth Lange was a trailblazing black Catholic who founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first congregation of black religious sisters in the USA. Her faith and perseverance helped break down barriers and create new opportunities for black Catholics.

Augustus Tolton

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Venerable Augustus Tolton

Venerable John Augustus (Gus) Tolton was born into slavery and escaped with his mother early in his life. He went to seminary in Rome and returned to the U.S. to form a black national church in Chicago. He is considered to be the first priest in the USA who was publicly known to be black.

Pierre Toussaint

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Venerable Pierre Toussaint

Venerable Pierre Toussaint was born into slavery but became an elite hairstylist in New York City and a free man. He used the money he earned to transform the lives of impoverished New Yorkers, former slaves, and immigrants alongside his wife, Servant of God Juliette

“I’d have enough for myself but if I stopped working, I’d not have enough for others.” ~ Pierre Toussaint

Sisters of the Holy Family

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Venerable Henriette DeLille

Venerable Mother Henriette DeLille was a woman of faith, perseverance, and service who dedicated her life to the people of New Orleans. Her courage, compassion, and dedication to the oppressed was a shining example of what it means to live a life of service and love.