St. Elizabeth Catholic Church puts the words of the Gospel into action through the good works of our Parish Outreach Ministries. Our various parish outreach ministry teams seek to carry out works of mercy to help our brothers or sisters and to advocate for long-term change in our society. You can answer your calling by serving with St. Elizabeth parishioners as we help people in our neighborhood and around the world.

“The conscience is called… to recognize and fulfill the obligations of justice and charity in society.” –Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, no. 83


SECC Social Ministry extends a hand up (and not a hand out) to people in our parish and neighborhood. Social Ministry provides emergency, financial assistance for rent, food, clothing or utilities to families who are struggling to be self-sufficient. The committee reviews families’ requests every Wednesday, 9a-Noon. If you want to make a difference, one family at a time, email

“True worship is to work for justice and care for the poor and oppressed.” — Isaiah 58:5-7


SECC Justice Ministry guides the parish in working for social change by collaborating with other denominations, educating our parish on justice issues, advocating for human rights, and taking action. Parishioners meet monthly and plan events throughout the year. Justice Ministry tackles social justice issues important to our parishes such as race relations, immigration, right to life, economic disparity and gun violence. Make an impact and contact Deacon Chris at or (804) 266-3596.

“There is no democracy with hunger, nor development with poverty, nor justice in inequality.” — Pope Francis


SECC is a member of Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities (RISC). RISC’s mission is to build a powerful community of racially, religiously, and socioeconomically diverse congregations that address the root causes of injustice in Richmond. RISC has won significant victories for affordable housing, elementary reading, child trauma response, and health care. For 2022-2023 RISC will tackle gun violence. You are invited to take action through RISC with the parishioners of SECC. Contact Nancy Kunkel at (804) 266-3596 for a schedule of house meetings and action assemblies.

“There is no democracy with hunger, nor development with poverty, nor justice in inequality.” — Pope Francis


“Umoja” is a Kiswahili word meaning unity. SECC unites our parish family with families who are refugees arriving in Richmond. Families from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other African nations are coming to SECC for Mass and faith formation. Parishioners transport families to Mass on Sundays, tutor children, and assist with housing and job searches, for example. To find out how you can welcome families to Richmond, contact Sr. Mary Mwangi at or (804) 329-4599, ext 17.

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” — Matthew 25: 35b


SECC is twinned with the Haiti organization, Beyond Borders. Beyond Borders supports movements in Haiti to: End child servitude, Guarantee universal access to quality education, Prevent violence against women and girls, Replace systems that oppress the poor with systems that support dignified work and sustainable livelihoods. If you are interested in learning more about our new partnership and would like to become involved, please consider joining the St. Elizabeth Haiti committee (a sub committee of our Justice Ministry Committee.) For more information on any of these opportunities, please contact: Anne Gibbons, Haiti Committee Chair:

“Through the help given to our brothers and sisters in Haiti, we have shown that the Church is a great body, one in which the various members care for one another.” — Pope Francis 


Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering Person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps the community with Financial Aid, Prision Ministry, Thrift Stores, Disaster Relief, Counseling and much more. For more information on what the Society of St. Vincent de Paul does with St. Elizabeth parish or if you are interested in joining, please contact: Mike Anderson 540-455-5239 or 

Click here to visit the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Teresa of Calcutta Conference website.

“Through the help given to our brothers and sisters in Haiti, we have shown that the Church is a great body, one in which the various members care for one another.” — Pope Francis 


English and Math assistance for students with interrupted educations.  Saturday School is offered over six Saturdays in the fall and in the spring.  Saturday School serves children up to eighth grade and adults.

Summer school is held for two weeks in June and offers intensive reading comprehension and writing assistance.  This program is offered free of charge and is supported by donations and volunteers from St. Elizabeth Parish, as well as by partnering non-profits that serve these communities.

Donations are always needed.  Please make your financial donation to St. Elizabeth Education Ministry by designating the Education Ministry in the memo of your check or by choosing the Education Ministry when giving online.


All Saints is a Catholic school of high moral expectations and academic rigor.  They offer a quality junior-kindergarten through eighth grade education in an affirming, family-like atmosphere.  They are a Christ-centered and inclusive community that values safety and gives all students what they need to succeed. All Saints School came into existence in 1982, a merger between St. Elizabeth Parish School and St. Paul’s Parish School. Van de Vyver school served students for 50+ years from 1910 to 1969. Some of its families’ subsequent generations have gone on to attend All Saints. This school is part of our parish, as St. Elizabeth Catholic Church contributes every year to help children to pursue their education.

“You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.” — Saint Augustine


Cristo Rey Richmond High School is a Catholic learning community that educates young people of limited economic means to become men and women of faith, purpose and service.  Through a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work study experience, students graduate ready to succeed in college and in life. By providing students an extraordinary college preparatory education and a unique four year, integrated corporate work study experience, we seek to transform Richmond one student at a time. Several youths of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church attend Cristo Rey Richmond High School and we are proud of the wonderful relationship we have with them.

“Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” — Matthew 19:14


Overby Sheppard Partnership Ministry: We partner with our local elementary school to provide much needed items for home and school. We also support the education of Overby Sheppard students through tutoring and other volunteer opportunities. We are always seeking dedicated volunteers to help provide the children of our neighborhood with a quality education. Contact TBA for now, contact parish office.