Welcome to St. Elizabeth’s Virtual Volunteer Fair. On this webpage is a listing of the ministries of St. Elizabeth Church. Each Ministry Leader made a video to introduce you to their ministry and show you how their ministry supports the mission of St. Elizabeth. Spend some time meeting the parishioners and discovering how you can help them. All are welcome! You can do it! We will show you!
- Scroll through the listing of ministries. Each ministry features a description, photo of the contact, and a video.
- Click the green button to open the link to the video. Watch the short video to learn about the ministry.
- After you watch the video, choose ministry (or ministries) where your talents (and schedule) fits best.
- Email or call the contact person and say “Yes, I can serve.”
Now is the time to live out the Gospel: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16
![You can do it You can do it We will show you how](https://stelizcc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/You-can-do-it.png)
You will wash and iron linens that are used during the Mass. You can wash and iron at home and bring the linens back to church.
Carolyn Lawler
cell: 804 393-6049
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
Altar serving is a wonderful way for our children to advance in spiritual life that is centered on the Eucharist.
Liz Wiznerowicz
cell: 804 329-4599
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
You will help decorate the church for the liturgical seasons throughout the year, particularly Christmas and Easter.
Karen Yesolitis
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
Bereavement Ministry comfort those who mourn, one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy. You will help people who are grieving select the elements of a prayerful and personal funeral Mass or memorial service.
Frances Pope
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion prepare the altar and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. There is no gift more precious than to bring the Body of Christ to others.
Paulette Wright
cell: 804 241-7205
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
You will be a member of a team of parishioners who bring love, peace, encouragement, prayer, and Holy Communion to short-term or long-term homebound members.
Deacon Chris Barrett
email: [email protected]
call (no text): 804-266-3596
Click the green button to watch the video.
You open up the church for Mass and welcome everyone to St. Elizabeth. You also help during the service.
Rita Hatchett
cell: 804 229-1999
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
If you feel called to justice, you can work with other parishioners to identify issues of injustice and inspire others to educate, advocate, and act.
Deacon Chris Barrett
email: [email protected]
call (no text): 804-266-3596
Click the green button to watch the video.
You will proclaim (not read) the word of God during Mass and other services. As a Lector, you make God present in the Liturgy of the Word for our parish community.
Cathy Woodson
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
You will allow people from around the world to join St. Elizabeth for Sunday Mass. You will become experienced in using a camera, streaming online, and hosting on Zoom.
Connie Hom
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
If you like planning parties, you would love being a part of community life. You will prepare, set up, decorate, and feed parishioners during our many social activities. It is a committee that brings much joy to the parish.
Lucy Thompson
email: [email protected]
Click the green button to watch the video.
Choir members commit to a weekly rehearsal, Sunday Mass and special events. The ability to read music is a plus, but not required. Being able to sing in/with harmony is a must. The cantor must read music and sing regularly with the choir. That person also needs to be able to sing without accompaniment in case there is no musician.
Diane Neyland
(in person preferably before or after Mass)
email: [email protected]
phone: 804-747-9608
cell: 804-337-1846
Kim Ford
(in person preferably before or after Mass)
St. Elizabeth’s Ministries give you the opportunity to support our small, thriving parish. Here are some suggestions as you pray on how you can serve.
You attend Mass on Sundays: Since you’re already at St. Elizabeth’s on Sundays, you can help with ALTAR LINENS, ZOOM, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS, or LECTORS.
You volunteer as a family: Watch the videos for ALTAR SERVERS, HOSPITALITY at Sunday masses, or COMMUNITY LIFE. If your teen likes working with computers, they can broadcast Sunday Mass on ZOOM. If your child needs community service hours for school, ask the school if your child’s volunteering at St. Elizabeth will count towards their community service.
You like helping the community: Join the JUSTICE committee, be there with a family who is grieving by serving on the BEREAVEMENT committee, minister to the HOMEBOUND & SICK, help host community events with the COMMUNITY LIFE committee.
You have a special talent: If you are familiar with technology, you can help broadcast Sunday Mass on ZOOM. If you like to decorate, you can spruce up the church for important holidays like Christmas and Easter. If you like to sing, join the CHOIR or CANTOR on Sundays. If you like to cook, bring your favorite dish to a parish event hosted by COMMUNITY LIFE. COMMUNITY LIFE needs people who can move tables, chairs, and set up the Parish Hall, too.