SECC Volunteer Gospel Choir
The St. Elizabeth Catholic Church has a long running tradition of having a vibrant and active musical community where our parishioners can come together in friendship and fun, getting to know one another and getting to know Jesus Christ.

About the Choir
The St. Elizabeth Gospel Choir, established in 1978, was the dream of our then pastor, Fr. Michael Schmied. His vision was to bring an Afro-centric presence to our Celebration of the Mass that would culturally enrich our worship and unify us as a community. To begin this endeavor Fr. Mike enlisted the talents of parishioners Ed and Brenda Foster as pianist and directress. Our choir was born.
In 1991, Reverend Rita Newsom joined us as director and pianist. Under her spirit-filled direction, the choir further developed their music ministry. A yearly choir concert was scheduled for the parish and invitations were sent to other local Gospel choirs to share their talents on these festive occasions. In addition, over the years our own choir was invited to add our voices at Gospel concerts and festivities around Richmond and central Virginia.
Upon Rita’s departure in 2007, her assistant, Chanda Kim Ford, who had been a choir member since her teenage years, took over direction of the choir. In 2008, we welcomed and have been blessed to have the talents of Scott Stell at the piano. Through the years, the choir has never stopped working for and praising the Lord There have been many life transitions among our choir members, illnesses and death; but with God’s loving care, also moments of great Joy as we continue to rely on Him for comfort and renewal. We are grateful for the support of the pastors who followed Fr. Mike and for our parishioners who inspire us to continue making a joyful noise to the Lord.
The Gospel Choir is a mixed choir, singing in four parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass), leading the community in song and providing our worship celebrations with a varied repertoire from traditional praise through contemporary gospel music. Inspired by the excellent collective music during Mass? The parish choir would like to invite any and all interested persons and musicians from within the parish to join our choir family.
Hallelujah! Amen!
Ready to Join?
The St. Elizabeth Gospel Choir is a volunteer, non-auditioned choir that sings at the 10:00 Mass each Sunday, as well as for some concerts throughout the liturgical year. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 PM. Attendance at rehearsals and faithful participation in the choir’s assigned liturgies are essential.
A good ear, some sight-reading ability and choral experience are helpful. Keep in mind that space it limited. If you feel called to this ministry, please click the button below and request more information and availability.

SECC Gospel Choir Media
The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power
Almost Let Go