This is a listing of the ministries of St. Elizabeth Church. Each Ministry Leader made a video to introduce you to their ministry and show you how their ministry supports the mission of St. Elizabeth. Spend some time meeting the parishioners and discovering how you can help them. All are welcome! You can do it! We will show you!
- Scroll through the listing of ministries. Most ministries feature a description and a video.
- Click the green button to open the link to the video. Watch the short video to learn about the ministry.
- After you watch the video, choose ministry (or ministries) where your talents (and schedule) fits best.
- Contact the ministry leader by clicking on their name and say “Yes, I can serve.”
Now is the time to live out the Gospel: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16
Children and Youth Ministries
Altar Servers (Children & Youth)
Children and Youth are needed to assist at liturgies. Must have received First Eucharist. One training session is required and senior Altar Servers mentor new members.
Time commitment: Altar Servers are scheduled one month at a time. Schedules will depend on the servers’ availabilities.
Contact: Liz Wiznerowicz
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Youth and Adults)
Volunteers use materials provided to share the Sunday Scriptures with elementary school children, helping them to hear and understand God’s Word in an age-appropriate manner. The Diocese requires background checks for anyone over the age of 16 and VIRTUS training for anyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Approximately two hours per month (½ hour during 10 am Mass). Schedules will vary depending on the amount and availability of volunteers.
Contact: Religious Education
Weekend Faith Formation
Volunteers use materials provided to share Catechism with elementary school children, helping them to hear and understand our Faith in an age-appropriate manner. The Diocese requires background checks for anyone over the age of 16 and VIRTUS training for anyone over the age of 18 volunteering for this ministry.
Time commitment: Either 1 hour after Sunday Mass or 2 hours on Saturday afternoons starting in October.
Contact: Religious Education
Liturgical Ministries
Art & Environment
You will help decorate the church for the liturgical seasons throughout the year, particularly Christmas and Easter. Time Commitment: As needed, most work will be done in Advent and Lent.
Contact: Karen Yesolitis
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion prepare the altar and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. There is no gift more precious than to bring the Body of Christ to others.
Time commitment: Usually one weekend liturgy per month or as needed.
Contact: Paulette Wright
Ministers proclaim God’s Word at liturgy. Training is provided. You will proclaim (not read) the word of God during Mass and other services. As a Lector, you make God present in the Liturgy of the Word for our parish community. Confirmed Catholics are welcome to serve in this ministry.
Time commitment: Every six – eight weeks including time to prepare and reflect on readings for your scheduled liturgy.
Contact: Cathy Woodson
You will wash and iron linens that are used during the Mass. You can wash and iron at home and bring the linens back to church.
Time commitment: Usually one weekend liturgy per month or as needed.
Contact: Carolyn Lawler
St. Elizabeth Parish is committed to the scriptural message of hospitality. Our Ushers greet and assist in seating members of the assembly and are attentive to visitors or newcomers to the parish. They also facilitate the offertory collection and assist in post-liturgy preparation for the next celebration. Training is provided and commitment is based on a rotational schedule.
Contact: Rita Hatchett
Choir members commit to a weekly rehearsal, Sunday Mass and special events. The ability to read music is a plus, but not required. Being able to sing in/with harmony is a must. The cantor must read music and sing regularly with the choir. That person also needs to be able to sing without accompaniment in case there is no musician.
Contact: Diane Neyland or Kim Ford
(in person preferably before or after Mass)
Zoom/Media Ministry
You will allow people from around the world to join St. Elizabeth for Sunday Mass. You will become experienced in using a camera, streaming online, and hosting on Zoom. Time Commitment is about one Sunday a month depending on the availability of ministry members.
Contact: Connie Hom
Parish Ministries
Bereavement Ministry comfort those who mourn, one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy. You will help people who are grieving select the elements of a prayerful and personal funeral Mass or memorial service. Time Commitment: As needed.
Contact: Frances Pope
Homebound & Sick
You will be a member of a team of parishioners who bring love, peace, encouragement, prayer, and Holy Communion to short-term or long-term homebound members.
Contact: Deacon Chris Barrett
If you or someone you know is homebound and would like to be visited, please email Deacon Chris Barrett or contact the Parish Office to coordinate the days and times.
Community Life
If you like planning parties, you would love being a part of community life. You will prepare, set up, decorate, and feed parishioners during our many social activities. It is a committee that brings much joy to the parish.
Funeral Reception Preparer
Prepare and serve food and beverages following funeral liturgies, as well as welcoming and being present to any needs of the family and others who are guests in our community. Commitment: As your schedule allows.
Coffee and Doughnuts
One Sunday a month, prepare coffee and juices and assist with serving doughnuts after 8:30 am and 10 am Masses.
Contact: Parish Office